
Leaders in care services for children
01908 082267
We specialise in Children with autism, learning disabilities, challenging behaviour and complex care.
Through a combination of personalised, high-quality care and clinical governance, our care team helps children, young people and their families manage complex care needs in the comfort of their homes.
This holistic approach means our care is consistent and can adapt as your child grows and develops. We are a proud member of The National Autistic Society.
We understand every child is different, so we tailor our care and support packages to meet individual needs. This includes considering more than just complex care needs to enhance quality of life.
We incorporate everything that is important to children and young people, and work closely with their families and other professionals involved in their care, to provide truly person-centred complex care at home.
We also provide homecare services for adults and live in care.
Children Services
Adult Services
How To Make A Referral And What To Expect
When a young person is referred to us we will work with Local Authorities, social workers and placement teams to ensure we can meet all of the child’s emotional, educational and therapeutic needs. We will then undertake a matching and impact assessment to ensure the young person is compatible with the home and existing young people.
As part of the referral process we will seek as much information as possible about a child so that we can put together the best possible package of support. We may also arrange visits to meet the young person and for them to see the house and meet our staff and children.
If you are looking to place a young person at Axis Healthcare then you can contact us through the following:
1. Call our 24 hour Referrals Line: 01908 082267
2. Email us: referrals@axishealthcare.co.uk and copy dube@axishealthcare.co.uk
3. Complete our online referral form below
If you use our referral form or email us with details, we will contact you as soon as possible to discuss your requirements and let you know if we need any additional information.
We look forward to speaking with you about how we can work together to help children build a future.
Working With the Best Clients and Partners